A Slice of My Life
An upcoming event that is coming up this weekend is my baby brothers' birthday! You may know about him I have talked about him in my blog before multiple times. I will recap a little bit about him so I can save the time of you going back and recalling all the blogs I metioned him in. So my baby brother is a little 2 year old, curly haired, crazy, sand loud little baby. He has so much character and he is really loving. He will make you laugh at any given moment (guaranteed). He is very athletic and very smart. He gave me the nicknames "Lala" and "Lyla". He mostly calls me "Lala". I got that nickname due to him not being able to say my name "Laysa" pronounced "Lyza". I love him with all my heart and soul and I cannot imagine life without him So, back to the point my baby brother is turning 3 this weekend! And I am so excited because he is finally turning 3, I feel like he has been 2 forever. I'm also excited for his birthday b...