What Sports Do You Enjoy or Would Like To Do?

"According to the United Nations Sports for Development and Peace, physical activity plays an important role in the development of overall health and prevents various diseases. Apart from preventing diseases, playing sports is an excellent physical activity and thus aids in improving the functional capabilities of body. " said OrganicFacts.Com. So I decided to show you guys this evidence because I really enjoy sports, I love playing them, watching them, and talking about them. So if your not playing a sport right now, I would suggest you to join one. It is a scientific fact that it helps with social skills, helps prevent diseases, and it might create a new hobby you might have. Some sports I play right now are volleyball, basketball, and softball. I look forward to joining more. What sports are you interested in joining into? If you do not know yet you should take this quiz it will help you pick the best sport for you. 

                                        What Sport Should I Play? PlayBuzz Quiz


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