About Me!

Hello, My name is Laysa pronounced (Lyza). I am 13 going on to 14 years-old and I am in the 8th grade. Here are five random facts about me. 1. I love playing sports and being active. 2. I am a very smiley and happy person it's really hard for me to be serious. A nickname I have gotten in result of that is Smiley. 3. I love sour and spicy foods some of my favorite snacks are lime and salt and guacamole with chips. 4. My parents are from the Caribbean. My mom is Dominican and my dad is Puerto Rican. I am proud of my heritage. 5. I will like to join the law enforcement. I always have had an interest in law enforcement. That has been one of my biggest dreams. That is five random facts about me. Hopefully you will like my blog!


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