What I Did Over Spring Break

I really don't do much when it comes to breaks this year due to my mom having a new job. Although, I did read, watched my favorite shows on tv, eat delicious food, go to stores with my mom, and play outside. When next year comes my mom said that we will be able to travel on the breaks because she will be promoted soon. I can't wait because I only have traveled to Wisconsin and Florida and that was when I was very young like 5 or 6 so I eally don't remember much. If I were able to pick where we can travel I would say Florida, Wisconsin, New York, and Texas. We would only travel in state because half of my family is in the U.S. some are in Florida, Texas, and New York. I would like to travel to Wisconsin because it is closer and I hear good things about especially about Wisconsin Dells. Now I have a question for you my reader who is reading this very blog post right now. Where would you like to travel to? 


  1. I would like to travel to California again, specifically Los Angeles.


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