The Dreamer- Pam Munoz Ryan and Peter Sis

The book " The Dreamer" is about a little boy named Neftali and he has a very big imagination, he likes collecting things most people wouldn't, and he has a gift for writing. Although, his father believes he is sick in the head, he is not strong enough to be called a boy, and he will not amount to anything in life. Neftali is a lot like his deceased mother and that is part of why his father gets so short with him. He believes living life in pure profundity is the way to go, But according his father that is the complete opposite. In order to see how his life turned out you'll have to read the book yourself.

I would recommend this book to people who like fiction and really relatable books. I would also suggest this book to people who would want to read soemething they have never read before. 


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