Why is Your Mom So Wonderful?

I am greatful for many things and it is hard to just list them and not being able to explain the meaning of why I am thankful for them so today I have chosen one thing I am thankful for and go into full detail about it and so today's thankful blog is about my mom.

I am thankful for my mother for many reason. So many I can't list them all without adding more and forgetting a few things. So to start, I am thankful for my mom because my mom and my siblings have been through a lot together she was our support and the person that kept us all together as one and strong. She is absolutely gorgeous, she has a beautiful smile and very eye catching eyes. She is not only beautiful on the outside but she is beautiful on the inside. She is very kind, intellectual, and happy. She looks for the positivity in everything, she makes you laugh no matter what the state you're in. She just wants to make sure that the people around her are happy. Now this might sound a little weird but my mom is so kind and positive that when she walks into a room or talks to someone she brings these vibes that makes everyone attracted to her like a magnet! That my sound a little dramatic but it is true kids love her, elders love her, people her age, everyone does. Now don't get me wrong but some people strongly disliked her because she gets a lot of attention so they tried bulling her and treating he poorly but she stood her ground, smiled that beautiful smile, and walked her walk. She did not let anyone get her down she was as strong and stood as tall as she could possibly could (because she is short) like an oak tree.

Now one problems my mom has is that she is so strong she feels as if she can not share her feelings she keeps them all bottled up and keeps smiling like she is not feeling any other way but happy. It hurts because I feel like it is not fair she is so kind and everything but does she get the same treatment? Let me answer that "Absolutely, NOT!". It gets me so angry, I want to be that person there for her no matter what and I know I am her daughter and she really needs an adult but I actually think I am perfect for her because she actually needs the mind of kid to hear all her issues. To be honest,
grown ups think to much, not only that but they over load on over thinking. So she needs someone that can look at something for a new fresh set of eyes. So my point is, I want my mom to know through thick and thin I will always be there for her and I will always live her no matter what because she deserves it, she actually deserves much more but that is the best I can do.

All in all, there is so much I more I can say but this blog would probably be 500 pages long. So my point of writing this blog is to notify anyone who is reading this how wonderful my mom is and to help them realize that their mother is wonderful too. I know some people have problems with their mom or are not really close with them but I need you to realize that they actually really really love you. And us being kids, teenagers, or even adults we believe that our mom or our parents don't love us because of the things they say and do but they actually do maybe they just have a hard way of showing in a way you will understand. Not only that but there is something out there called tough love and believe me my mom is super phenomenal and all but she is strict and J am always on lock down with her I feel like I am not free but not too long I realized she does it is because she loves me and she wants to make sure I do not make wrong decisions. Instead of sulking about being on boot camp lock down, and start looking at the bright side I realized that my mom does not really restrict me from everything, I actual,y had more freedom than I thought. So back to the point you should think about everything your mom does for you and everything she has sacrificed for you and I need you to say thank you. And give her a hug. If that is too much just say thanks for everything. So the real question is "Why is your mom so wonderful?"


  1. I love this blog post! It sounds like you have such an amazing bond with your mom!


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