What Upcoming Events I Am Excited For!

So to start, the most recent event I am excited for is the 8th grade Six Flags Trip! I am so excited I have never been to Six Flags before but this will be Mia first time and I hope it goes great. Everyone describes the rides and everything about it and it just gets me more excited. The following event is the 8th grade Dinner Dance. Basically, the Dinner Dance is a place where the sooo. to be graduating 8th graders go to dine and dance the night away. I am so excited for that because I really love food and I know there is about to be some of that really good food that you can not just go to the store and buy. I know there is not going to be that "family birthday" party food, where they have grill hotdogs and burgers and they bring that big Walmart  family size bag of chips such as Doritos, Lays, or Cheetos. No,no, compare that to the food that is going to be at that Dinner Dance. The Dinner Dance food is going to be so much better! There is going to be that catering food like shrimp and all that good stuff. Moving on because I know I can talk about food forever! The event after that will be the Graduation Ceremony, now that event I have mix feelings I am nervous and excited because first I don't want to graduate yet I feel like this is happening so fast and so soon, but then I am really excited because I will finally be in high school and everyone says that high school is so fun so I can't wait for that too. But, we will see how things turn out I hope and pray the best for my future and the people's around me future to go great too. And that they start on the right path for a great journey through life. What are you excited for that will be coming up soon? And why are you excited? 


  1. I love Six Flags! I have a season pass to there! Have fun! I'm excited for eighth grade ABC countdown, it's the tradition where we count down the last days of school.


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