Lincoln's Grave Robbers By: Steve Sheinkin
The book I read over this summer was "Lincoln's Grave Robbers" By Steve Sheinkin. This crime thriller is about a famous counterfeiter named Benjamin Boyd who is the most wanted counterfeiter in Illinois. On October 20th, 1875 Boyd was arrested and was taken to prison. Boyd being the most famous counterfeiter he had a counter-feinting ring. His counter-feinting ring tried to keep the business going, but it lead to madness. So in order to get the business back-up and running they will need Boyd. Boyd's counterfeiting ring decides that in order to get Boyd back they are going to have to do something outrageous. Steal Lincoln's body in exchange for Boyd and $ 200.000 cash! It took a lot of planning, it took many attempts, and a couple of willing- people. To make the mission even harder they had the Secret Service Agents on their backs and two double agents portraying as the helpers to attempt the outrageous crime, while giving information to the S.S.A. This all...