Lincoln's Grave Robbers By: Steve Sheinkin

The book I read over this summer was "Lincoln's Grave Robbers" By Steve Sheinkin. This crime thriller is about a famous counterfeiter named Benjamin Boyd who is the most wanted counterfeiter in Illinois. On October 20th, 1875 Boyd was arrested and was taken to prison. Boyd being the most famous counterfeiter he had a counter-feinting ring. His counter-feinting ring tried to keep the business going, but it lead to madness. So in order to get the business back-up and running they will need Boyd. Boyd's counterfeiting ring decides that in order to get Boyd back they are going to have to do something outrageous. Steal Lincoln's body in exchange for Boyd and $ 200.000 cash! It took a lot of planning, it took many attempts, and a couple of willing- people. To make the mission even harder they had the Secret Service Agents on their backs and two double agents portraying as the helpers to attempt the outrageous crime, while giving information to the S.S.A. This all went down on election night of 1876.

In Lincoln's Grave Robbers there is a couple of main characters. Benjamin Boyd, Jack Hughes, Terrance Mullen, Patrick Tyrell, and Lewis C. Swegles. They all play an important role in the book. All these characters are very persevered and determined to complete a mission or task. They will not let anything disrupt them. The main characters in the book do not really allow their mental or emotional feelings take over them in the book. They are more welled driven than emotional. Although, they can be well driven they can let that take over them and they can be a little more controlling and full of themselves which can lead to mishaps. An example of this is when Patrick Tyrell was plotting a plan for the sneak attack on the criminal gang. He did not let anything get in his way he had people set up on every corner, he had a group of officers with him, and he even had a news paper reporter help too. This evidence proves that Patrick is very determined. On page 115 it says " Tyrell told Power that most likely the men planning the robbery would visit the monument during the day. "He gave a description of them," Power remembered., "and instructed me to show them everything usually shown to visitors, and to answer truthfully to all questions".  This evidence proves that Tyrell was very determined about his " Lincoln’s body snatchers" case he very serious and was cautious about every move he made. And he did not let anyone or anything get in his way.


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