Where Do I See Myself In 10 Years?

Where do I see myself in 10 years? Some goals I have for the next 10 years are to make my family proud, to be successful, and to do something I love. I want to be successful and make my parents proud because my family is not rich but we are not poor. My family is always about wanting the best for their children. They always told me to do good in school, avoid this and avoid that, and always believe in yourself and when you don't, just know your family does. They always told me those things because they did not want me to go through the struggles they have had to go through. Although, they don't always catch me when I'm falling. They let me fall really hard but they always taught me how to get back up and try again. Another goal is to do something I love. I mean who would want to do a job that pays good but you're miserable all day. Some people wouldn't mind but I would! I would love to do a job that I would be happy with. By the way, happy people live longer. I would love to wake up everyday happy to got to work knowing that I am going to do something that will make me proud and my family proud. Knowing that I am helping others around me.
A career I would like to pursue is law enforcement like a detective, FBI agent, etc. I always have been attracted to the law enforcement. I don't know why maybe because I have always like the thought of me being in law enforcement, or maybe because half my family is in law enforcement. I really don't know but it has always been one of my biggest dreams and I will love to accomplish it.


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