Something I Regret.......

I usually do not regret things, but some thing I do regret is not standing up for myself. I stand up for others but not for myself. Usually when I am blamed for something I try to fight back but then I give up. I feel like I'm going to cause more problems and make matters worse. Now, I can stand up for myself. This has happened to me multiple times, but I am going to talk about a specfic time. 

There was a time once that I was acused for something I did not do. The teacher was acussing me of throwing a piece of paper across the room because I was the person sitting next to the person who did it. The teacher called my parents and told multiple teachers of the incident. And during the day she pulled me from one of my other classes and tried to talk to me about the incident. She asked me why I did it and it was very disrespectful. I tried to explain that I wasn't the person who did it, but it was clear that she could not comprehend what I was saying. Then she accused me of lying. So, at this point she is blaming me for two things. I was so furious and sad because it wasn't true. When I got home, my parents talked to me about it. I told them I was innocent and that she was not allowing me to explain. The very next day, my parents came to the school to talk to the teacher and soon everything was solved. What I regretted from this situation was not standing up for myself. I allowed that teacher to make me look like a disrespectful student to  all my other teachers. And that really gets to me because I am a really good student and to look disrespectful does not only effect me but it effects my parents too because it shows that they do not teach me respect. (Which is not true they taught me really well). The ending result, was the teacher was caught making false accusations and I ended up not getting in trouble. 


  1. I'm so glad that you learned how to stand up for yourself!


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