Life is Beautiful

The " Life is Beautiful" film was a very phenomenal film. It was very touching and very funny. Some connections I have had with the film and some recent pieces of literature I have read in class were that both of them took place in the time of World War 2. They both talked about German's being the superior race, Jewish people were not accepted in society, and there was a lot of killing and families being partied. Some differences they had wad the message of each piece was different. In the film it was more about a personal story and how a family fought for survival when they were put into the concentration camps, but for the literature it was more broad and it talked about all the events in the Holocaust not just a single realistic part of it. 

The mood of both pieces were similar because they are both very sad stories about the Holocaust and all the survivors stories are very sad too. The different modes between the two pieces are the story was more humorous because it showed how the man got his wife and how their lives turned out. It grew more sad because you can see a family be ripped apart and put into small rooms. It also showed how they had to work for those malicious people. 

Humor was shown through out the movie a lot. It was very humorous because Guido kept on trying to get with his wife Dora. He did everything from making her laugh to rejecting her husbands marriage proposal for her. Another humorous part of the movie is when he lies to his child so he does not know what is really happening in the concentration camps. He tells his son that they're playing a game and they need 1000 points in order to win. It gets funny when the son starts questioning his father but his father always makes him look at the bright side by making him laugh. Some suspense in the movie was when the movie seemed that the son would get caught but he never did. Another sad but suspenseful part is when the father gets killed. I is so sad because he did everything to keep his son alive.

Throughout the movie life is shown beautiful by the family always being happy and child and when the family (except the father) finding their way to each other once again. That is beautiful to me because it shows me that a little bit of hope won't do any harm. In the movie there was some coincidence. What I mean by coincidences in the film the husband did all these little cute things to make his wife happy. 


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