Hitler/Nazi Propaganda

A propaganda poster I chose was a poster that translates to " Work as hard for victory as we fight". The poster was issued around May 1942. This piece of propaganda is trying to say that the women should work hard at home while the men fight for victory, meaning that the women should be doing more than just being like a housekeeper.  The intended audience for this poster were women. I believe it was trying to portray that women should work hard for their country at home while the men fight hard for their country away. It alters peoples perspective by showing them if the men of our country are fighting for us, the least we could do is working hard for our country to keep it up and running. This poster was effective because the people in Germany kept the country from falling by everybody doing their individual duties. This piece of propaganda is related to another piece of known as "Rosie the Riveter". That poster encouraged women to do and be more than just a house keeper. Women could make guns, work in factories, etc. They both explain the importance of women going out to help, while the men are out in combat.


  1. This is a great explanation of the propaganda you chose!


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