A Slice of My Life

A big event that is happening in my life right now. ( Technically, soon gonna happen.) Is my favorite prima is going to be getting married. She is like an older sister to me, she is easy to relate to, she is funny, and crazy. Now, to see her getting married is very important to me because I know this man that is going to be in her life for a great amount of years and he is going to treat her right. She wanted me to stand up in her wedding but my parents told me no because if I were to I would have to stand up in the wedding it would have been with a 17 year-old boy! I was kind of shocked because I would have not even known the boy and it would have been extreamly awkward! Other than that I am really excited for this wedding it is going to be in a few months and everything is going the way she wants it to be. I know for a fact the wedding is going to be phenomenal and absolutely beautiful. I just would like to wish my counsin the best of wishes and may her years with my furture cousin-in-law be magical and memorable! 


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