The Best Advice I Have Recieved

The best advice I have ever received has to be from my mom. My mom always gives the best advice. Sometimes it's funny, other times it's painful, but what they all have in common is that they are the truth. So, onto the point. My family and I were going through a lot at one point of my life. And we where all basically stressed out. My mom told me that we are just going through the worst. But, it soon will pass. What really got to me was when she said  "God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers." I really got touched when she told me that because she could have not said anything better than that. It really helped me persevere through that challenge. Ever since that day , that has been my favorite quote. 

This advice really helped my family and I go through that difficult time and we did conquer it. And the end result is that we came out strong. Eventually, the time for me to tell that to someone will come soon. And hopefully it will help them like it helped me. 


  1. My mom always gives me the best advice too!


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