
When I was trying out for the conference volleyball team here at my school. ( A conference volleyball team is a volleyball team that only allows really advanced players on the team. In try-outs they decide whether or not you qualify to make the team. If you don't you will be cut off there list) I was very neverous and sacred I thought I was not going to make the team. It was my first time trying out for a volleyball team that made cuts and it was my first time trying out on a volleyball team in general. I never been on a volleyball team before so of course I was going to be scared. During try-outs I told myself to keep my head high, correct your mistakes, and to persevere. So I did. A couple  of days later, we were allowed to know who made the team. When I checked for my name on the list and I saw it. I was so proud and happy for myself because I knew that I could have made it if I tried hard.

This personal story relates to Nick Vujiici because he perserverd through his health adversity and he always stood positive. We both believed in our selves and we both kept our heads high. 


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