My List of What I Think Happiness Is To Me

Happiness is my famiy who bring me joy every single day of my life. Happiness is my home. Warm, protecting and calm. Happiness is my friends who support me, make me laugh, and who are crazy.  Happiness is my educators who help me learn and enhance my knowledge on life. Happiness is sports. The sweat beads moving down your face, being breathless, and competitive. Happiness is being outdoors feeling the breeze in my hair, the smell of fresh air, and the beating sun. Happiness is going on vacations to be away from all your problem for a little while, to relax, and to have fun. Happiness is parties. To get together with family to play games, to talk, and to laugh. Happiness is food. The savoring taste. Different type of flavors.  Happiness is candy. Whether it be chocolate, sour, and or hot. It all taste good to me. Happiness is laughing. Laughing so hard it gets to the point where you think you'll never catch your breath. Your smile so big it hurts your cheeks and the back of your head. 
Happiness is everywhere whether it be little or small its everywhere and it finds you when you least expect it. 


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