My Favorite Super Bowl Ad
My favorite Super Bowl ad has to be the one where the Mexican immigrants try to cross the border but Trump has already built the wall. This ad is my favorite because it is very sad but it portrays a lot of meaning to Mexican immigrants who have been through those things too. I believe it shows an important message because it shows US citizens how long and how tough it was for Mexican immigrants to come to the US. This can change the perspective of those who discriminate Mexican immigrants and therefore I believe it shows a powerful meaning and or message to all US citizens The message is that the Mexican immigrants have gone without food, water, clothing, med attention, and more just to be stopped by the wall. I also believe it shows that Mexican immigrants went through all the trouble and struggle just to get into a country that will discriminate and a shame them for their culture and well being. So I am very thankful that the ad was put out there for the world to see and maybe change their perspective and their thoughts on Mexican immigrants and any immigrants in general.
That was a really good commercial! My favorite one was the Stranger Things teaser trailer.