The Worst Argument I Have Ever Had!

The I never had a worst argument ever. But, I did have one recently with my sister. We were arguing whether the action she made was right on her hand. I do not really want to get into the full story on what happened. But, it dealt with a her friend telling my sisters secrets to a friend my sister was not on good terms with. My sister was mortified when she found out. So out of anger she did the same thing to her friend but told a different person. They were both furious with each other. So, when my sister told me what had happened. I told her they were both in the wrong because they are best friends and that they should be loyal to each other and respectful of their wishes. She was upset that I did not support her side. Now let me mind you my sister is hard headed and she does not like hearing the truth. So, she was mad at me for awhile, but finally she came around and told me I was right. I relplied "I know I am!!" And we laughed and the very next day she apologized to her friend and they made up. What my sister and I learned from this argument is that two wrongs don't make a right.


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