Frida Kahlo By: Hedda Garza

The book Frida Kahlo is a biography about Frida Kahlo. It talks about all the obstacles she has faced in life and all of her best secessions. The book is also talks about childhood memories and the disease she received when she was younger called Poliomyelitis. So here is a little more detail about the book. On September 17, 1925 a bus crash in Mexico killed several people and injured many more. On that bus there was a woman named Frida Kahlo, after the accident happened she was found near the tracks severely injured. She was pieced right through the stomach with a metal holding bar that was on the bus. While she was confined due to her injury, she decided to start painting. Due to that accident the 20th century gained their most beautiful and talented artist-Frida Kahlo. 

My opinion on the book, is that it was really great the book leaves you wondering why she made certain decisions, shows great imagery on how things were back in her time, and how cruel woman can be. I enjoyed learning about someone new and learning what lead the to their path of fame. Even though some parts in the book got me upset with Frida, I really did enjoy it. Overall, what i think the book tried to convey is that no matter how many things that are difficult for you or try to ruin your path to your dreams, don't let it take you down. You have to keep persevering until you make it. 


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