What You Do Matters

This winter break I was very helpful to my family. I helped by baby sitting my baby brother, I clean the kitchen while my mom was cooking, I shoveled my neighbors snow, and I helped my dad fix a lamp. Plus more. I felt really good helping out around as much as I can. It made my family happy and it made me happy. Helping is the least I can do to show my gratitude to my parents, because they have done so much for me and for Christmas they went all out. I could not show them how thankful I was. But, I  decided helping around as much as I can could be a start. So if you want to make your parents smile today and or show them your gratitude, helping around is a very good start. 

Did you help your parents or family over this winter break? If not, don't worry it won't be the end of the world. Just start today, and it will sure make a difference. It's never too late to help!  What you do matters whether it's out of the kindness of your heart or it's the much love you have for the person no matter what it is you can always make a change in someway whether it's a little or big it really can make a big difference to whoever you have done the favor for. Like I said, it's never too late to do something for someone you love to make their day and or to make them smile. You can start today! So what will you do?


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