Twisted- Laurie Halse Anderson

The book I recently read was called "Twisted" by Laurie Halse Anderson.
It was a really good book in my opinion. It really wasn't in my comfort zone, but I enjoyed. The book was about a kid who had committed a crime in his past (wrote graffiti on the side of the school). And every time something happens everybody looks to him. Well, this time it was pretty bad. This time pictures of the head cheerleader in nudity was posted online. And she does not even remember the pictures being taken. People begin to blame him and start to look at him differently. His family is fed up with his misbehavior, the school is fed up with his behavior, and soon his best friend. I would recommended this book to kids interested in realistic fiction and or a little bit of romance. Although, this book needs a strong audience to be able to read the book.


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