'Tis The Season..... For Gifts

Honestly, the best Christmas gift I ever received was a late Christmas gift. But, it was the best! This might sound a little clichè but, it was my baby brother. I really wanted another sibling because my other ones were getting boring so I thought it would be nice to suggest every year to my parents that I wanted another sibling. (Specifically a boy). And eventually it happened! I was so thankful it was too hard to describe! The first few months were hard on me because I really couldn't touch him because he was a newborn and they get hurt easily. So after a couple of months I was able to feed him, sleep with him, and watch tv with him.

Now that he is two, he talks to much, he wants to always play, and he likes to pick fights with my other siblings and I. I do not know how my life would have been without him( maybe boring) but I am so glad he is in my life. 


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