My San Kulpa (Intensions)

To start, A San Kulpa is like an intention to do or achieve something. It basically is like a new year's resolution but, you can actually achieve this goal. 

So my San Kulpa would be to try harder in the things I do. To go that extra mile. I want to be able to look back and reflect and say " Yeah, I did that and I'm proud of myself." I want to know that I really worked everything I got into everything I do. I'm gonna persevere until I know that I have made it! Even after that I will try hard. Another goal is to believe in myself. Most of the time I have the right answer to questions. I just need to realize that the wrong answer can always make someone smarter because they interpreted the concept they did not understand. And lastly, to be more independent because I catch my self asking other people what they think about certain things I have chose or do. Ex: If I wanted to pick out a t-shirt and I'm stuck between two. I tend to sometimes ask people which one do they like just to see which one they will pick. I just do not want to depend on anyone else's opinions anymore. I want to do things because I wanted to do them


  1. What a great san kulpa! Others could learn from you. I love that you always want to do better and grow - that is wonderful!


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