The Treasures of My Life

This is not going to be like any of my regular blog post. This post is going to recognize those I love and thank the most. The ones that guided me to the light when I was in the dark. 
To start, I am going to start off with my most special and the one I most deeply love, my mother. She is something so worth thanking, she has been through thick and thin with me and she is the most strongest, persevered, and beautiful person I know. I am thankful for my mom because she does so much for me and she always loves me no matter what. I can not do anything in the world to show my mom the gratitude that she deserves. My ride or die, my best friend, and my inspiration. My mom. I love you so much, and thanks for everything!
I am also thankful for my siblings. The ones that got me into trouble, the ones I have the best of memories with, and the ones I deeply love. Even though sometimes I strongly dislike them I realize that at the end of the day they are the ones who are going to stand by my side. Strong and bold ready to defeat  the world together as one
I am thankful for the rest of my family. Yes, we may be a very big family. And yes, a very little bit of you may not be blood. But if you love us and take the time out of your life to be with us , you are considered blood. I don't care if we are blood or not you hold a special place in my heart. I greatly appreciate all of my family members who have left a mark on my life. 
And lastly, I am thankful for my life. I am so fortunate to be able to live the life I am living. To smile everyday, to come home to people who love me, and to be able to have food in my stomach, clothes on back, and a roof over my head everyday. I am so thankful that God has made such a big impact on my life, and that I am able to do the things I can do. 

Now it is your turn. What are you thankful for this year? 


  1. I love this blog post so much!!! I liked how you explained deeply why you are thankful for your Mom, Siblings, Family, and for Life. Awesome job!!! :)

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment!!

  2. You should show this to your mom and family - it is very special! And I love that you ended with a question!


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