The Best Day Ever!!!

The best day ever actually happened a couple days ago. I was watching the World Series Chicago Cubs versus Cleveland Indians. As I watched the game I kept getting anxious every time the Indians tied up with the Cubs. I could hear my mom behind me, screaming and making comments about the players. My baby brother was in the other room sleeping and I would have not been surprise if he would have woken up. " Oh my god, he is so stupid!" That's all I kept hearing. My mom knows a lot about baseball, but let me tell you if she were to play the sport she would not be good at it. She doesn't really understand that sometimes you have to walk the player, let that player take that base, and so on and so fourth. As my mom, acting like a man, by screaming and making her comments. I watched the screen Michael Martinez from the Indians was up to bat, he stood their staring at the pitcher Carl Edwards. The pitcher throws the ball and it is a hit. I felt the heat in my body starting up. Thoughts came rushing through my head I thought we were going to lose. Then Kris Bryant caught the ball, but slipped a little through it to Rizzo and ...... "IT WAS AN OUT!! THE CUBS WIN THE SERIOUS!" That is all I hear from announcers. " THE CURSE HAS BEEN BROKEN, 108 YEARS SINCE THE CUBS HAVE WON!" 

I jumped up in excitement and squealed. Then my mom had the nerve to yell at me and say " Be quiet your brother is sleeping! You're not the one that has to stay up with him at night, I swear if he wakes up your stuck with him!" I looked at her like she was crazy. She happened to crack a smile and I look back at the screen and smiled because I knew at that second everything would be different in Chicago. I watched a little longer to see them receive their awards, the Indians moping, and the Cubs fans going crazy. That night I could not sleep over all the fireworks, beeping car horns, and my neighbors scareaming. 


  1. I was so happy/excited when the cubs won too! They're the best! Whose your favorite player?

    1. My favorite player is: Javier Baez

    2. ooo, my favorite player is probably Kris Bryant.


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