Election Reflection

Well to start, I hear a lot of people who are older than me, saying that it was a very different election. I wasn't alive when all these others elections had occurred but, I honestly think elections are nothing but candidates trying to bring each other down, by only saying the negative things or one side to things about others so people won't vote for them. Sometimes what the candidates say are false facts and sometimes they are true, but they exaggerate the truth. Although, the candidates do have goals like the rest of us U.S. citizens. They have a goal or a accomplishment they want to achieve and they feel like the only way they can do that is by bringing each other down one by one. To be honest, I really thought nor Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump were good enough to be president. I thought this because they both wanted to accomplish things that would not really benefit our country. Also, they both do not show a great model of leadership, Clinton was caught sending classified information via email, and Trump was recognized for saying and doing questionable, racist, and non-leadership things.
 I would not what's so ever like to be involved in politics. Reason being because everything said or done by these candidates are just plain dumb or annoying. I would like to see hopefully one candidate be civil, reasonable, really determined to save our country, and to not turn the country against its self. This election was more about Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump thinking about themselves this whole election they have done nothing but try to put each other down, say negative comments about each other, and be very disrespectful. The people just watched this all happen like it was some type of reality tv show. A true candidate who wanted to be president would have not tried to get into all the drama. They would have not tried to put anybody down, they would do their duty which is try  to make our country a safer, more stronger, and better place. In a couple of years, I will soon be able to vote. I am kind of excited because I can exercise my right and vote for who I believe deserves to be president. 


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