The Girl That Was Suppose to Die- April Henry

"The Girl That was Suppose To Die" By: April Henry was a book I recently read. It took me three days to finish it. It was such a good book it was cliff hanging, crime thrilling, and a mystery book. This book is about a girl named Candace she woke up one day not knowing who she is, where she is, and how she got there. As she sets out to find some information about her self she is found that she is wanted to be killed. She does anything in her power to avoid leaving her unknown life. As she tries to escape she bumps into much more trouble along the way. She feels as if the world has gone against her. Until a teenage boy decides to help her find out who she is and where her family is. What I liked about this book is all the events that as occurred and how it goes into grave detail. What I dislike about this book is that it was rushed at the ending. The ending happen to fast, I felt like the ending should have been better. Other than that the book was good and I would recommended it to any readers that lie crime books.


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