Famous Last Words- Katie Alender

The book I recently completed was " Famous Last Words" By: Katie Alender. The book is about a girl named Willa and she just moved into Los Angles from Connecticut. Her mom just got married to a famous director and he buys a house from a recently died actress named Diana Del Mar. While their stay at the house there seems to be a ghost haunting Willa, Willa does not tell her mom or her step-dad because she does not want to start any nonsense with them. Besides, she does not want to ruin her mothers relationship with her husband because Willa does not really do good with dads. It did not end well with her real one. I would recommend this books to others because it is not predictable and it is very cliff-hanging. I love it when books do that. 


  1. This book seems really interesting and it seems like something I would look more into but I'm not really sure how I feel about the whole cliff hanger part. Tough, your blog was well explained and got my attention! Nice work!


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